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Website Development, Design and Build

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Website Development, Design and Build

Something you need to know

Beware of the Robots … Your website needs to be a two faced beast!

A website needs a pretty face that your clients will view and an ugly face that they will not. Let us explain…

In relation to the pretty face, when constructing your website presentational aesthetics are all important here as your shop window must look great in order to win any new business.

But a website also needs an ugly face which is just as important as the pretty face. Luckily the ugly face is invisible and will not seen by your clients. Instead it is seen by robots used by search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo to crawl your website in order to rank it. This is critically important as your search engine ranking will determine whether your website is presented to someone surfing the net searching for the goods or services that you sell. The better your ranking, the higher your site will feature in search results.

The search engine robots (Googlebot, Bingbot, etc) exist in cyber-space but they cannot see pretty pictures and colours. Instead they read the ugly computer code that sits behind it. For the robots, well constructed computer code is king. In the web-building business we refer to this as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and you need to get it right.

For example, if you are in the business of selling houses and you have a beautiful picture of a house with a ‘For Sale’ board in front of it on your home page, then your clients will immediately understand what you are all about. This is the pretty face. However, the robots cannot see pictures and will have no idea what your website is about from your home page. Instead, a well constructed website would have invisible computer code, known as an Alt Tag, attached to the picture in order to tell the robots that this is a picture of a house and that you are in the business of selling houses. This is the ugly face. Such a small thing makes a huge difference when marketing on the Internet. It could be the difference between appearing on the first page of Google search results or appearing nowhere at all: the difference between success and failure.

Most people building websites only focus on the pretty face and pay no attention to the invisible face. The result is that the client has a nice looking website that never features in a Google search and so is, to all intents of purpose, useless.

Get it right first time and speak to the experts.

Business Websites

Your corporate website is your shop window.

It is often the first contact that a prospective client will have with your business and empirical evidence suggests that you have only 8 seconds to make an impression.

You may be the best in your industry at what you do, but you need prospective clients to engage with you before you are able to generate revenue. If someone looks in your shop window and walks away then you have lost an opportunity not only to make a sale, but perhaps also to win a long term client.

Investing in a good website is the best investment that you could make for your business but you need to do it right and there are pitfalls to avoid. Good website development, design and build is critically important – please see “Something you need to know” above.

Personal Websites

At Type It Tiger we also help individuals to build personal websites with images, blogs, posts and other mechanisms to enable you to communicate something about yourself with the world.

Copy Typing and Website Content

The most important part of a website, both for prospective clients visiting the site and also for search engines such as Google, is content. A high ranking website must have a large quantity of content in order to be deemed valuable. Type It Tiger is happy to help with the preparation and publication of content via its typing and transcription services.


Websites built to your specificationSimple “pretty face only” websites can be constructed easily and cheaply. These may work well if you are not looking for search engines to pick you up. For example, this may work well for a personal website or for a youth club website used to communicate only with its existing members.

Complex “two faced websites” are more complicated to design and build. They need the correct chassis and engineering in order to cater for the robots as well as the human eyes that will be viewing them.

Please contact us with your requirements and outline specification and we will happily cost a web build for you.

Search Engine Optimisation – Being Found on the Internet

Having a website is the first step in reaching out to prospective clients on-line. The next step is being found amongst the millions of other websites that co-exist on the Internet. The key is in search engine optimisation (or optimization if you are from the USA). Being listed on key directories is critical. We are in a position to help you with that too.

Open Directory Project at

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