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The “Type It Tiger” Story

How much better would it be if typing services were provided externally on demand so that work is done as it arises and we only pay for labour when it is required?

The towering figure of Bob Jones*, the successful Managing Director of an international public company, came bounding into the building having returned from a high level meeting with legal counsel.

He briskly marched across the floor and dropped a pile of papers onto the desk of Cecilia*, his secretary, without breaking his stride on route to his office.

“I need this typed as a matter of urgency,” he barked.

“Sorry Mr Jones,” Cecilia retorted, “but I was just leaving to collect my kids from school and I am not back in the office until the day after next.”

Jones stopped dead in his tracks. The frustration was evident from the flush on his cheeks and  from the frown that he had suddenly adopted.

“Damn!” he bellowed “This needs to be done now and it can’t wait until Thursday!”

Cecilia was clearly intimidated by his demeanour but in her softly spoken voice stated, “Sorry Sir, but these are the hours that I am employed to work and the school run is something that can’t be put off.”

She grabbed her coat and swiftly made for the door, unintentionally leaving Jones in something of a quandary.

As a key part of the management team I had been watching the drama unfold from across the room.

“The unfortunate thing,” I observed, “is that Cecilia has been paid a full day’s salary despite having had very little to do this afternoon. She’s spent the best part of the last hour filing her fingernails and now that you need her she’s gone.

 “What we need is a degree of flexibility in the provision of our office administration.”

 Thinking aloud I continued, “How much better would it be if typing services were provided externally on demand so that work is done as it arises and we only pay for labour when it is required?”

 “Great idea! Do it!” Jones said, with a smile returning to his face. He collected the papers from Cecilia’s desk, threw them in my direction and exclaimed, “Type it tiger!”

 The seed had been planted and this transcription services business, based in the UK, subsequently came into being. It has since grown and flourished, now serving all manner of business from sole proprietors to multi-national institutions.

*Names have been changed for legal reasons

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